Girl Up leadership summit highlights

Girl Up is a campaign of the United Nations Foundation. It was launched in 2010 and it supports projects that aim to give teenage girls an equal chance in life. 


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Ashley Graham: Turn to the woman next to you. Tell her, and encourage her, how she can change the world.

Marley Dias: I don’t have to be the best, I just have to try my best. No one was judging me for not understanding this.

Monique Coleman: That’s right, you can tweet that.

Kate Gilmore: It's not the number of people that is the threat to the planet, it is the behaviour of people that is threatening the planet.

Dr Jen Welter: Ladies, your dreams have no limits and your voices don't either.

Kathy Calvin: We have an opportunity now in that 193 nations have said, ‘We're going to change the world and we're going to do it through girls’. Because while these are called the sustainable development goals, you guys are the sustainable development generation.

Rosie Rios: You are the future. You are absolutely the leaders, and you can be anything you want.

Vaannila Annadurai: Remind yourself that you are the hero they told you to wait for.

Kyung Mi Lee: You are a dream.

Vaannila Annadurai: You are a solution.

Vaannila and Kyung Mi: The revolution. You are a girl.


© Girl Up


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