Friendship quiz

Two young women taking a selfie in front of a car and an open road

Are you really a good friend? Would you always be there when your friends need you? Try this quiz to find out!


Do the preparation exercise first. Then do the other exercises.


Do this exercise before you read.


Are you a good friend?

You might think you are the perfect friend, but are you really? What do your mates think of you? Take this short test to find out.

1. You are at home on a Saturday afternoon when your friend phones you and says he/she is in the town centre and has spent all his/her money and feels really ill. His/her family is away for the day. You …
a. go as quickly as you can to help your friend, even though it will take a long time on the bus to get into town. 
b. tell your friend to find a taxi and come to your house. You think your parents will probably pay, but it might be very hard to find a taxi. 
c. recommend that your friend walks home. The fresh air will make your friend feel better.
2. Your friend has been having lots of problems with maths, but you find it easy. In a couple of weeks you have some important maths tests and your friend has asked you for some help. You …
a. sit down with your friend and organise some times for extra maths classes together, even though this will mean you have less time to study. 
b. show your friend some online videos which explain the important points and some questions with answers. 
c. tell your friend that he/she can copy from you in the maths test; you'll make sure he/she can see your paper.
3. You and your friend are both interested in going out with the same person. You know your friend has really liked this person for a long time, but he/she seems to prefer you. You …
a. invite the person out with a group of people, then make sure your friend has a chance to talk a lot to him/her. 
b. tell your friend that if he/she doesn't invite the person out, you will, even though you know he/she is too shy to make a move. 
c. ask the person out and don't tell your friend. All's fair in love and war!
4. Your friend has just completely changed his/her image: a new hairstyle in blue and red and new clothes in terrible colours. Now he/she wants you to go with him/her to get some tattoos and piercings done. You …
a. suggest that he/she thinks carefully before having a tattoo or piercing done – tattoos are very hard to remove if you change your mind. 
b. say that you'll go along with him/her for a laugh, but you don't want anything done yourself. 
c. tell him/her what you think of his/her new look (that it's awful), and that he/she should get professional advice before doing anything else.


Mostly As – you are a great friend, but don't let your mates take advantage of you. 

Mostly Bs – you're a pretty good friend, but not reliable in a real emergency. 

Mostly Cs – with friends like you, who needs enemies? You need to treat your friends the way you'd like them to treat you.


Are you a good friend? What was your result in the quiz?

Language level
Average: 3.4 (31 votes)
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Submitted by skaya on Fri, 07/14/2023 - 15:50

i am a good friend :) because all of my answers are AAAAAA))

Submitted by ahgima099 on Mon, 05/15/2023 - 13:56

If you ask me, I'm pretty good friend but not reliable. I haven't found someone out good for me")

Submitted by pomelo on Mon, 03/13/2023 - 14:42

I almost a good friend

Profile picture for user AAnti air support

Submitted by AAnti air support on Fri, 02/17/2023 - 12:01

Hi me got B so im an elephant

Submitted by Haraldostruts on Fri, 02/17/2023 - 11:52

I got most c but I think that I'm a really good friend.

Submitted by 0620alst1 on Tue, 12/13/2022 - 12:58

i am a good friend.

Submitted by Haraldostruts on Fri, 02/17/2023 - 11:50

This test dosen't really work!

In reply to by 0620alst1

Submitted by aycauzz1 on Mon, 06/06/2022 - 16:29

Most of our answers were B but no C came up. I think we have great friendship

Submitted by dhadzikadunic on Thu, 12/02/2021 - 22:16

I got the most A answers. I think I am a good friend.

Submitted by hermione123 on Fri, 10/01/2021 - 13:16

I love that there's "all's fair in love and war" quotation on option c for number 3

Submitted by Davidsturm on Tue, 08/10/2021 - 19:16

Thanks, i am studying at this moment english because in 3 weeks i am going to have an exam and also with readings. Thanks your readings are a huge help!
Profile picture for user JoModerator

Submitted by JoModerator on Wed, 08/11/2021 - 07:43

Dear Davidsturm,

We're happy to read that our reading activities are helping you. Good luck for your exam!


Best wishes,

Jo (LearnEnglish Teens team)

In reply to by Davidsturm

Submitted by ItalianGoldenWind on Tue, 05/04/2021 - 13:56

I have always try to respect to my friends any way I knew. However, recently, I was not able to find someone who really help me out whereas I'm the one who help my classmates when they need.
Profile picture for user Andrii

Submitted by Andrii on Tue, 03/23/2021 - 18:05

I have the most As, and, by the way, I did have that situation with maths (my friend asked me to explain it because we had a test soon. And I explained him, but It didn't really help.
Profile picture for user Kostantinus

Submitted by Kostantinus on Wed, 01/20/2021 - 10:18

I think I am pretty good friend. I always help my friends even they ask me doing something really stupid. So I dare behave against my rules at times like recently. One of my best friend liked a girl. There were meeting for about two months, but just one time a week, not too often. Once she didn't answer to his messages for two days so he thought she doesn't want to keep dating with him and a result is my friend decided to talk to other girls on some dating websites. The girl's friend who used one of those websites saw his behavior and let know her friend. After that the girl started to avoid my mate, but he found the way to talk to her and apologised to her. In any case she already didn't want to meet with my friend for some other reasons also as I found out myself. You will ask me how I figure out those reasons? No problem, I can tell you the truth. My mate asked me to call her and to talk to her what I've done. During our conversation she told me very sincerely that hopelessly in love mate shouldn't think about her and suffer so hard. Her opinion is they don't fit to each other. I retelled all of this to my friend and told him that he will find his true love. This is my story. That's all.

Submitted by iamlamaa on Mon, 10/12/2020 - 17:09

i love my friend a lot. my all anwers are AAAA!!!!!!!!!wooooohhhooooo

Submitted by haiduong on Mon, 10/12/2020 - 14:45

I got mostly B's and C's . They're in equal amount so I guess I'm between that type of friend who is willing to talk about your problems rather than take them to their own hands and help you through it and what is so-called friend. Honestly I think it's pretty right. Sometimes I can be a good company and sometimes even my apathy scares me a little

Submitted by hermione123 on Fri, 10/01/2021 - 13:13

I got b's mostly. Apparently, i'm not such a really great friend. But, i'm still working on it these days.

In reply to by haiduong

Submitted by Vuquan on Fri, 08/21/2020 - 02:57

I am good friend becausei have all A :)

Submitted by Anvorguesa on Thu, 08/13/2020 - 15:48

I got mostly A so yeah, I think I can be a good friend when it's needed :D

Submitted by Shelle on Thu, 08/13/2020 - 15:44

I had more a's than noting so I guess I'm a good friend. :)

Submitted by Mamou1 on Thu, 07/30/2020 - 10:12

yes I think i'm a good friend because i'm always here for them I''m honest with them even sometimes it hard to understood and I care about them. I support them in the difficult situation and I listening them if they have problem so personally for me I'm a good friend.

Submitted by Nandini on Wed, 07/15/2020 - 17:10

I got mostly A's which means I'm a very good friend. I'm always there for my friends when they need me because they are also there for me too. I'm pretty lucky to have amazing friends. I'm sure all of you feel the same way about your friends too.

Submitted by yare8p on Fri, 05/15/2020 - 21:43

i think that i´m a good friend, and to be a good friend doesn´t mean to let your mates to take advantage of you. The friendship looks for reciprocity. When someone takes advantage of you, is not your friend. For me, this quizz doesn´t indicate if i´m a good or a bad friend because i would act different than the predeterminated answers.

Submitted by Hey_Dalia on Mon, 05/11/2020 - 09:29

A very fun quiz liked it a lot

Submitted by israeelliam on Mon, 05/11/2020 - 09:24

I think I am a good enough friend

Submitted by Wilbert1 on Mon, 05/11/2020 - 02:52

Hello I am a sarcastic person and in a dark humor but I think I am a good friend. I always try to support and help if they need it. My results in this test b.

Submitted by Aldenith on Thu, 05/07/2020 - 04:42

it gave me as a result that I am an excellent friend, I don't know

Submitted by peachygirl on Mon, 04/20/2020 - 13:41

Hey. I think I am a good enough friend. I always try to support and help my friends if they need it. Sometimes I sacrifice my study time for my friends and I think it is okay. My results in this test- b.

Submitted by Makam on Mon, 02/10/2020 - 16:20

So so.

Submitted by Elife on Fri, 02/07/2020 - 00:16

According to the quiz result, I'm a great friend. But, I think that I don't let my friends take advantage of me.

Submitted by jdfghgfghj on Wed, 01/22/2020 - 15:14

I got C for every answer so I don't think I'm getting many offers with that
Profile picture for user what_ever20

Submitted by what_ever20 on Thu, 10/24/2019 - 19:04

Most of my answers is B. I'm not as bad as I thought I am .... ;))))))) UwU

Submitted by hamynguyen on Sun, 10/13/2019 - 03:37

According to the quiz result, I am really a good friend. I will share and support my friends when they are sad or disappointed with anything in life. Acttualy, he or she had to be my best friend - indeed friendship.

Submitted by Nguyenxhong on Thu, 10/03/2019 - 00:44

To me Friendship is very important in my life . It's very hard to become a good friend as well as get a good friend in the life. If you lucky to get a good friend, you should great person because he/she is the best gift.I will take care of my friend, understand and share with my friend when she/he has a sad stories

Submitted by havy230819 on Thu, 09/19/2019 - 15:05

I have no definition of what is a good friend should be, because sometimes and in some situations, we can't support them without thinking about what will happen later. A good friend can be a good listener, a good adviser, a wingman that always by your side, go through everything with you, give you a hand when you need. But you should remember, the way people treat you is the reflection of how you treat them. Any healthy and balance relationship need to be built from two sides, not one.

Submitted by neyel_258 on Wed, 09/18/2019 - 03:49

most of my answers is A. I think l'm a very good friend

Submitted by nadia0 on Wed, 08/21/2019 - 20:56

I think I'm a good friend. Te quiz said that I'm very good friend, but I should be careful and say if someone tries to get advantaged of me.
Profile picture for user SpiderTom

Submitted by SpiderTom on Wed, 06/19/2019 - 07:35

I have 2 a's and 2 b's now I don't know wich one I am

Submitted by Zara on Tue, 04/02/2019 - 18:53

I think I'm a gd frnd bcz I have always try to help my friends most.If my frnd is in danger or ill I'll surely help him.Everyone has their personal life bt I should suggest which is gd 4 him.

Submitted by Inous on Tue, 05/07/2019 - 16:57

The quizz said I’m a very good friend. I agree with the test, because I’ll never leave my friends on their own, and I am always here for them. I would do anything for them.

In reply to by Zara

Submitted by Rare on Tue, 04/02/2019 - 16:03

I think I'm not that much good as a friend. I need to work on myself.

Submitted by Sam6293 on Tue, 04/02/2019 - 10:01

Well,the results show that I am a good freind but I think my freinds should judge whether I am good or a bad freind.

Submitted by Avantika on Mon, 04/01/2019 - 17:07

Oh,I've 2 As and 2 Bs.I think i am a pretty good friend. Anyway, if my friend faces any problem in study, I will definitely try to help him/her.But I think today,in modern days, it's better to watch videos on that topic as they are more interestingly described.Again I think everyone should give priority to his own desires.For this,if my friend wants to go to get some tattoos and piercings done, I may tell him/her that it's hard to remove but I will not force him not to do so.And of course, it's my responsibility to help my friend if he/she is ill.

Submitted by devlin on Mon, 04/01/2019 - 08:22

the results show that I am a good friend but not a reliable one.maybe it's ok or maybe I haven't yet found a friend for whom I would do anything

Submitted by Athony on Wed, 11/21/2018 - 15:00

All of my answers are A's,so I'm a good friend

Submitted by Cecil on Wed, 07/04/2018 - 02:52

I got 2 a´s and 2 b´s so I guess I am actually a good friend :)
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