Do the preparation exercise first. Then do the other exercises.
A short story
It was Katia's 20th birthday and she was looking forward to seeing her friends. They were meeting at Mamma Mia's, her favourite Italian restaurant, for a special birthday dinner. Katia was excited and got to the restaurant at exactly 7 o'clock, the time they had arranged to meet. She looked around for a familiar face, but no one had arrived yet. So she decided to wait outside and stood patiently in the warm evening sunshine.
The restaurant quickly filled up with customers, but none of them were Katia's friends. 'Where are they?' she thought. At half past seven she was still waiting, so she called her best friend Isa. 'Why doesn't she answer her phone?' Katia asked herself. Then she called Jonty, Alex and Yoko, but they didn't answer either. 'What's going on?' she wondered.
At 8 o'clock Katia went home. Her friends had forgotten her birthday and she felt lonely and miserable. She opened the front door and walked into the dark house. The living room door was closed. 'How strange,' she thought because she always left it open. Nervously, she opened the door. Suddenly the lights went on and all her friends jumped up and shouted 'Surprise!' So they hadn't forgotten and in the end it was the best birthday ever.
Top Tips for writing
When you write a story, use ...
- the past simple, past continuous and the past perfect, e.g. At half past seven she was still waiting; Her friends had forgotten her birthday and she felt lonely.
- adjectives and adverbs, e.g. a special birthday dinner; The restaurant quickly filled up.
- direct speech with reporting verbs and punctuation, e.g. 'How strange,' she thought.
- discourse markers, e.g. then, after that or in the end.
Have you ever had a special birthday celebration? Tell us about it!