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We can see the effects of global warming all over the world. Polar ice caps are melting, and sea levels are rising. Extreme weather conditions, such as droughts and floods, are becoming more frequent. Climate change is a danger to human beings and all living things on Earth. Every year, there is a United Nations conference known as a COP summit, where world leaders meet to review the UN goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and to discuss what action countries still need to take.
What is a COP?
This year the 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference will take place 11–22 November 2024, in Baku, Azerbaijan. The event is also known as COP29 – 'COP' stands for 'Conference of the Parties'. It usually happens in a different place every year.
The Paris Agreement
The Paris Agreement was a very important moment in global climate change discussions. This agreement was made in 2015, during the COP21 summit in Paris. With this agreement, almost every country in the world promised to cut CO2 emissions as quickly as possible, in order to limit global warming to well below 2°C, aiming for 1.5°C. However, despite the commitments made in Paris, the progress made is not enough. We are not meeting the targets we need to reach in order to avoid the worst effects of climate change.
What are the aims of COP29?
The goal of the COP29 conference is to take faster action to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement, and to increase the amount of money available to take action against climate change. The 2024 event aims to:
- encourage countries to set higher targets for reducing emissions, with the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C
- increase finance to help developing countries reduce emissions and adapt to climate change.
Young people and climate change
Young people have powerful voices in the fight against climate change, and the actions you take now can help create a more sustainable future. Simple steps like using less plastic, saving energy and raising awareness can help reduce CO2 emissions and inspire other people. You could get involved in school climate projects or learn more about the science behind climate change and its solutions. COP29 brings together world leaders, but action by young people is also essential to create a better world for the future.
What do you think is the most important action to fight climate change?