What is it? 092

If you look closely, you might recognise this. What is it?

See answer

It's a scooter!



What do you think it is? 

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Submitted by the_london_boy_ on Thu, 10/03/2024 - 07:13

Dear LearnEnglishTeens, I am writing to notify of a mistake in the answers: it claims to be a strawberry. That's a scooter with an identity crisis, probably.

Profile picture for user Tina - coordinator

Submitted by Tina - coordinator on Wed, 10/09/2024 - 13:54

Thanks for letting us know the_london_boy! We've changed it now.

Best wishes,
LearnEnglish Teens team

In reply to by the_london_boy_

Submitted by Yusi on Wed, 11/03/2021 - 19:48

I couldnt guess out

Submitted by Tolis5 on Mon, 07/19/2021 - 15:21

Easy!!It's a scooter
Profile picture for user Sherlock4869

Submitted by Sherlock4869 on Sat, 08/08/2020 - 12:15

I think it's a scooter or a bike.

Submitted by arielthein on Sat, 06/22/2019 - 08:44

probably scooter.
Profile picture for user empty

Submitted by empty on Fri, 06/21/2019 - 13:22

I guess it's a scooter .
Profile picture for user mannon

Submitted by mannon on Tue, 02/19/2019 - 19:02

It is a scooter

Submitted by maryoma on Mon, 04/23/2018 - 20:09

I don't know, before I read the comments I thought it is a building stuff, but after I read the comments I stared at the picture until I realized that it is a scooter.

Submitted by hermione123 on Sun, 02/14/2021 - 01:01

hi LET team, could you please delete my second same comment in this blog entry? i accidentally click the save button twice. thanks a lot, hermione123

In reply to by maryoma

Submitted by JulyBill2 on Mon, 04/16/2018 - 19:08

I think its a scooter.

Submitted by Zic22104 on Sun, 04/15/2018 - 15:24

Hmmm...So easy peasy... A scooter

Submitted by missvic46 on Thu, 04/12/2018 - 20:14

There is no "click to see answer" for this one.
Profile picture for user Jonathan - Coordinator

Submitted by Jonathan - Coo… on Fri, 04/13/2018 - 02:10

Hi missvic46. We will give users a little more time to comment and guess. We'll publish the answer and a new mystery picture soon! :)

Jonathan (LearnEnglish Teens Team) 

In reply to by missvic46

Submitted by Sportycoffeeforever on Fri, 03/30/2018 - 11:31

Obviously, a kick scooter)
Profile picture for user Elsa007

Submitted by Elsa007 on Thu, 03/29/2018 - 11:56

No idea...
Profile picture for user Hasiki

Submitted by Hasiki on Tue, 04/03/2018 - 01:14

i think it's a compa hihihihi

In reply to by Elsa007

Profile picture for user Butt3rSc0tch

Submitted by Butt3rSc0tch on Tue, 03/27/2018 - 14:11

Scooter, of course
Profile picture for user ariina

Submitted by ariina on Mon, 03/26/2018 - 14:52

i think its scooter or motorcycle :)
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